CoViD-19 PandemicTeaching and CoViD-19

Bioinformatics courses

We have taken the opportunity to expand bioinformatics training for the bachelor's degree programs in biosciences and biochemistry. New courses are on offer. Take the chance .


Lectures are held online. Most of them as "canned", events with smaller number of participants also as stream.

We use Heiconf, Webex, Zoom (reluctantly), Bluejeans.


Can basically be offered as stream. Applications go directly to the organizers.

Internships and courses

Internships and courses can be held after approval by the Rectorate in compliance with hygiene regulations.

For approved courses and examinations in attendance, Ruperto Carola will in future offer a further measure in the Corona pandemic. In addition to the hygiene concept and distance regulations, a Corona gargle test developed at the Center for Molecular Biology at Heidelberg University (ZMBH) will be used. This is intended to support measures against the spread of the virus and possible new mutants in order to also identify asymptomatic carriers of the virus and persons who have not yet developed symptoms and to interrupt possible chains of infection at an early stage.


For most lectures the registration is done via LSF. We receive your email addresses and can invite you to the virtual lectures.


Event organization

The main platform for coordinating seminars and lectures is the new Moodle. As soon as you have been admitted to a course, you will receive an email from your lecturer for access to the corresponding Moodle room. There you will find seminar plans, work assignments and materials. Important: All communication between instructors and students will be done via Moodle and email respectively - so please check the platforms regularly to stay informed.

Use your student email address.


Direct exchange via conference call

Small seminar groups can exchange ideas via the HeiConf web conferencing system. Via audio and video link, HeiConf enables direct contact with images and sound. Lecturers share a link and password via Moodle for this purpose. Lecturers' office hours are also held via HeiConf.

Note: Currently, stand-alone registration with HeiConf is not enabled for students. Access to the online consultation hours via HeiConf is granted to students by the lecturers at the agreed time.

For individual communication between students we recommend the messenger heiChat (Matrix).


Manage, share and collaborate on large files

With the university's own cloud storage service HeiBox, students can save larger files such as presentations or videos and share them with other users via link or shared groups. Since Moodle's storage capacity is limited, lecturers also share additional materials with their students via HeiBox (e.g. lecture recordings, texts, etc.). Furthermore, working groups can collaborate on documents via HeiBox. HeiBox is available free of charge and offers space for up to ten gigabytes of data material.

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